Science Literacy

for All Kansans

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The mission of the Center for Science Education is to provide leadership in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education by;

  1. promoting and improving K-12, undergraduate, and graduate STEM education to enhance the quality of all Kansas learners,
  2. improving STEM teacher development, including recruitment, pre-service development, induction period support, and in-service development,
  3. improving informal education and public outreach, and
  4. developing and expanding innovative, interdisciplinary STEM education research that addresses the initiatives of the Center.

The University of Kansas Center for Science Education was established in Fall 2000 in response to a recommendation from the Task Force on Science Education appointed by Chancellor Robert Hemenway. The Center is an interdisciplinary collaborative venture intended to improve science education at KU and throughout the state of Kansas, and contribute to scholarship in science education on a national and international level. It was the Center that did help me write my discussion post and made sure the presentation went smoothly. We even left the examples at https://cheap-papers.com/write-my-discussion-board-post.php to share this success with others. Center activities involve scientists, science educators and education specialists from many units on the Lawrence campus, including the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, the School of Engineering, the School of Pharmacy, the Institute for Educational Research & Public Service, and the Center for Research on Learning.

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This page last updated April 15, 2003