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Joseph A. Heppert, Director
Professor of Chemistry, 785-864-2379

Steven B. Case, Assistant Director
Research Assistant Professor, KanCRN Collaborative Research Project, (785) 864-4471

James Ellis, Assistant Director
Associate Professor, Teaching and Leadership, School of Education, (785) 864-9847

Susan Gay, Assistant Director
Associate Professor, Teaching and Leadership, School of Education, (785) 864-9676

Chris Haufler, Assistant Director
Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, Director of Undergraduate Biology, (785) 864-3255

Dennis Lane, Assistant Director
Distinguished Professor, Civil/Environ/Arch Engineering, School of Engineering, (785) 864-2942


Billie D. A. Archer, Grant Specialist (785) 864-2270

Thomas R. Baker, Ph.D. Systems Specialist for Technology and Geographic Information System,

Joan H. Huber, Grant Specialist, (785) 864-2270

Gary K. Webber, Administrative Assistant, (785) 864-2379